Loowatt Machine Design Ideas

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Loowatt Machine Design Ideas

Loowatt Machine Design Ideas

This image is titled Loowatt Machine Design Ideas and is attached to our interior design article about Creative and Inovative Loowatt Toilet. You can check out the article for more great ideas about Loowatt Machine Design Ideas, find other related photos from the same post below, or even read some of our other interior design guides.
Creative and Inovative Loowatt Toilet

Excerpt from our Creative and Inovative Loowatt Toilet article:

Of all the things that people traditionally throw, human waste is something we usually don’t consider repurposing. British Loowatt system is looking to change this by getting users involved from the ground up (sorry!). The Loowatt system is created to ensure we re-purpose our waste to create biogas and fertilizer. This toilet system collects waste directly from our toilets and ensures it goes to good use. We know this may be off-putting to many of our readers, but those who are environmentally... Read full article »